About Us

The Parent Coalition for Student Privacy was founded in July 2014 by Leonie Haimson of New York and Rachael Stickland of Colorado, two parent advocates who successfully led the battle to stop nine states from disclosing their personal student data to inBloom Inc.  inBloom was designed to be a massive student database, with the goal of more easily sharing this information with for-profit data- mining vendors and other third parties without parent notification or consent.  The Coalition which includes parents of nearly every state is now co-chaired by Leonie and by Cassie Creswell of Illinois Families for Public Schools.

You can join our mailing list to receive updates on how you can help us advocate for stronger student privacy protections by providing your information here. You can also contact us at info@studentprivacymatters.org and/or call Leonie at 917-435-9329 .  Cassie can be reached at cassie.creswell@gmail.com  

The inBloom controversy made parents aware for the first time how widely schools, districts and states were engaged in risky data sharing, and how few privacy and security protections were employed.  It kick-started a national debate on student privacy that has not yet abated. After inBloom closed its doors in April 2014, we decided to form a national coalition of parents and advocates who would defend the rights of parents and students to protect their data.

We have testified before Congress on the need to strengthen federal rights to student privacy; written op-eds and created toolkits for educators and parents on how to best to protect their privacy and those of their children.  We also inform students and parents  of their current rights to protect their  data under federal or state law and help them write complaints when those rights of violated.  We co-authored a state report card which ranks all 50 states on their privacy legislation.

The Parent Coalition for Student Privacy is a project of Class Size Matters, a 501C3 non-profit headquartered in NYC.  Please consider making a tax-deductible donation by indicating on the page that you would like your contribution to be used for this effort; you can also send a check to the address below.  You can subscribe to our mailing list here.

Please also join our Facebook page and
follow us on twitter at @parents4privacy


Leonie and Cassie

Co-chairs, Parent Coalition for Student Privacy

Mailing address:

Parent Coalition for Student Privacy
c/o Class Size Matters
124 Waverly Pl.
New York, NY  10011